06-02-2013, 22:26:22
OK, alors concernant le deuxième modèle que j'évoquais (le moins cher), dont je mettais en doute la qualité, voici ce que j'ai trouvé sur le forum swedespeed, d'un membre ayant acheté ce modèle (le Hiestar, donc): (dsl, c'est en Anglais)
" Got the Chinese unit today and wired it up.
Wiring was straightforward, thankfully. You would need to normally run two additional wires to the respective other wires to connect the CAN-BUS, and these aren't done normally. If I pull apart my other harness I could do so, but at any rate...
The configuration is a bit confusing, and it's rather ugly of an interface. Bubbles everywhere, and it's entirely blue, which seems useless. You can't turn sources off, so you're just likely to scroll through Bluetooth, TV1, TV2, Radio, USB, SD, AV1, AV2, OMG, BBQ, LOL, HDD, PDQ, before getting to the source you want. Only a minor niggle.
Major issue, in my mind, would be the fact that the buttons aren't illuminated at all. No backlighting. Just screened over. SO in the day it looks more-or-less normal, but at night they're invisible.
The sound quality seems alright, but certainly no better or worse than your average headunit.
Backlight control doesn't exist, either. It's just on or off, no levels.
It seems stable enough, software-wise.
The navigation sounds totally stop music, including button presses.
Overall, I'd rate the functionality and appearance of the device about a C-/D+. Certainly not worth the money put into it, but that was the expectation. =)
Anyone want to buy a used-for-a-few-hours-Chinese headunit?
[...] "
source: http://forums.swedespeed.com/showthread.php?175197-Show-your-stereo!/page2
En gros, et pour faire simple, ce modèle pue!
Sinon, du nouveau concernant les modèles Bluepower: ils sont fabriqués par Ecson, et Bluepower semble être un revendeur (ou peut-être plus, je ne sais pas réellement s'ils apportent des modifs' aux postes qu'ils achètent à Ecson; regardez ici: http://www.ecsongroup.com/en/productsList.php?ColumnID=46&cp=0
On remarque au passage qu'ils font d'autres postes pour d'autres marques de voiture, mais on remarquera surtout qu'ils font un poste pour la nouvelle S60!!
J'ai donc envoyé un email à Ecson, pour qu'ils m'en disent plus sur leurs postes, la date de sortie du nouveau modèle, les modifications logicielles et matérielles à venir, ainsi que si possible une photo du nouveau design....
Dès que j'ai un retour, je vous fais signe...
" Got the Chinese unit today and wired it up.
Wiring was straightforward, thankfully. You would need to normally run two additional wires to the respective other wires to connect the CAN-BUS, and these aren't done normally. If I pull apart my other harness I could do so, but at any rate...
The configuration is a bit confusing, and it's rather ugly of an interface. Bubbles everywhere, and it's entirely blue, which seems useless. You can't turn sources off, so you're just likely to scroll through Bluetooth, TV1, TV2, Radio, USB, SD, AV1, AV2, OMG, BBQ, LOL, HDD, PDQ, before getting to the source you want. Only a minor niggle.
Major issue, in my mind, would be the fact that the buttons aren't illuminated at all. No backlighting. Just screened over. SO in the day it looks more-or-less normal, but at night they're invisible.
The sound quality seems alright, but certainly no better or worse than your average headunit.
Backlight control doesn't exist, either. It's just on or off, no levels.
It seems stable enough, software-wise.
The navigation sounds totally stop music, including button presses.
Overall, I'd rate the functionality and appearance of the device about a C-/D+. Certainly not worth the money put into it, but that was the expectation. =)
Anyone want to buy a used-for-a-few-hours-Chinese headunit?
[...] "
source: http://forums.swedespeed.com/showthread.php?175197-Show-your-stereo!/page2
En gros, et pour faire simple, ce modèle pue!
Sinon, du nouveau concernant les modèles Bluepower: ils sont fabriqués par Ecson, et Bluepower semble être un revendeur (ou peut-être plus, je ne sais pas réellement s'ils apportent des modifs' aux postes qu'ils achètent à Ecson; regardez ici: http://www.ecsongroup.com/en/productsList.php?ColumnID=46&cp=0
On remarque au passage qu'ils font d'autres postes pour d'autres marques de voiture, mais on remarquera surtout qu'ils font un poste pour la nouvelle S60!!
J'ai donc envoyé un email à Ecson, pour qu'ils m'en disent plus sur leurs postes, la date de sortie du nouveau modèle, les modifications logicielles et matérielles à venir, ainsi que si possible une photo du nouveau design....
Dès que j'ai un retour, je vous fais signe...