25-12-2012, 12:31:33
j'ai bien évidemment contacté Rica, ainsi que Volvotech (qui propose reprogs rica) et posé question sur risque(s) de casser qq chose. Voici leur réponse :
1- does the stage 1-226hp or more needs to make modifications on my car ? if yes, witch ones ?
VT>> No changes needed ever with a RICA remap, BUT remember that you might be starting driving faster and more aggressively which might take more of your breaks and clutch.
Tuning does not break cars, people do ;-)
1, You don´t need to change any hardwares on the car to use one of these tunes.
2, All RICA ECM upgrades have been engineered with great skill to ensure that your vehicle's reliability is not compromised, providing of course that the vehicle is maintained correctly in accordance with the manufacturer's servicing requirements. All improvements in performance are achieved well within the maximum stress tolerances of the engine and transmission components
en gros pas de modifs à faire selon eux, on reste dans les tolérances/marges du moteur etc... notament avec le moteur type EURO 4 boite manuelle, ce qui est mon cas.
c'est bien beau mais je me méfie quand même;
je sais qu'en ne mettant pas de ligne échappement sport, pas de plus gros turbo ou autre je n'aurais pas tout le potentiel des reprogs.
1- does the stage 1-226hp or more needs to make modifications on my car ? if yes, witch ones ?
VT>> No changes needed ever with a RICA remap, BUT remember that you might be starting driving faster and more aggressively which might take more of your breaks and clutch.
Tuning does not break cars, people do ;-)
1, You don´t need to change any hardwares on the car to use one of these tunes.
2, All RICA ECM upgrades have been engineered with great skill to ensure that your vehicle's reliability is not compromised, providing of course that the vehicle is maintained correctly in accordance with the manufacturer's servicing requirements. All improvements in performance are achieved well within the maximum stress tolerances of the engine and transmission components
en gros pas de modifs à faire selon eux, on reste dans les tolérances/marges du moteur etc... notament avec le moteur type EURO 4 boite manuelle, ce qui est mon cas.
c'est bien beau mais je me méfie quand même;
je sais qu'en ne mettant pas de ligne échappement sport, pas de plus gros turbo ou autre je n'aurais pas tout le potentiel des reprogs.
Volvo S60 2.4d 163 cv Sport 149000kms 2006